Participation is winning
Welcome to the Wiley ParkZone Primary School’s Sport Association website.
Our zone consists of 17 schools; Ashbury, Belmore North, Belmore South, Beverly Hills North, Campsie, Canterbury, Canterbury South, Clemton Park, Earlwood, Hampden Park, Harcourt, Lakemba, Marrickville West(Major Carnivals only), McCallums Hill, Punchbowl, Undercliffe, Wiley Park.
Zone Meetings are held once or twice per term and member schools come together to organise Zone PSSA trials & competitions. All notices of motion must be forwarded to the Zone President & Secretary at least 2 weeks before a meeting for distribution to member schools. This is to allow for school-based discussion before a zone meeting.
For information about sports played in the Zone please initially make contact with the sports coordinator at your school. Other information can also be obtained through the convener of the sport. Contact details for the conveners of each sport are available on the Contacts page of our website.
PSSA Updates
Please check the website for PSSA updates at 12pm on Thursday mornings
Please note PSSA starts at 12.45pm this year
2024 Carnivals
Date: Thursday 29th February
Venue: Bexley Aquatic Centre
Cross Country
Date: Wednesday 15th May
Venue: Peace Park
Day 1: Wednesday 21st August
Day 2: Thursday 22nd August
Venue: Campbell Athletics Field, Ashbury
Trials/events are subject to change as a result of any updates to Covid 19 guidelines and restrictions issued by NSW Health.
*Photos will be taken during the Zone Carnivals. If you do not wish your child's photo to be taken, please indicate this to your School Sports Organiser who will pass this on to the appropriate convener.
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